Sunday, 24 March 2013

Challenge 12 - Violet Nails.

Hi Girls,

I've sucked this week, sorry for lack of posts. Have you ever had one of those days/weeks where you've just wanted to hide away from the world? That was me this week. There is no real reason for it. My Nan is home from hospital, My Brother is okay. I'm not sure if everything just hit me all at once, but I've hidden away in the bedroom for the majority of the last week. I do my nails in a special area in the living, 'cause I'm special, don't ya know ;-) This meant no manicures whilst hiding.

However, I'm back.

Last weeks challenge was Violet nails. I have not done violet nails. I don't own a violet polish, so I've gone with Purple. I must warn you, this is a rushed job. I wasn't too fussed for this challenge, & I have ideas for the week 13 challenge, so just wanted to go this one done, so I didn't 'Fail.' 

So, not particularly great, but it got this weeks out the way. I think the reason I screwed up the stamping was because it was a bit of a half-arsed manicure. My mind wasn't really in it. Also, where I haven't done anything with my nails this past week, including moisturising, they've really suffered. I've dolloped on an extra lot of moisturiser, & shall make myself carry on from now on. No slacking.

I should be posting something new tomorrow. Maybe. We'll say how I feel tomorrow. :P


  1. I think this totally counts as violet - I would say violet is more this colour than the colour I used anyway.
    Love this mani, the bright colour looks great stamped over the nude.
    Glad to see you posting again! X

  2. Aww, I've had times like that!! You've come back with a gorgeous mani though :D x
