So, as I mentioned, I've got a new job! My nails needed a complete revamp, they were far too long to be able to get through manual work. Now the're short & pretty.
I've decided to use one of my untried polishes today. 2True's Shade no 48. I forgot I even owned this one, a friend passed it onto me not so long ago.
After yesterdays sad swatches, I didn't have my hopes up, this looks gorgeous, but wasn't expecting much:
You can't tell from the photo, but it's very shimmery & a little bit sexy. I put one coat on, & you could barely see anything. Three coats later:
As I said before, I'm not a fan of plain manicures, so I had to jazz it up even more. I used cheeky plate CH5 & Sally Hansens Lavender cloud.
I still need a bit of practice with the stamper, but I'm pleased with the finish.
Turns out, a happy Kay makes for happy nails! I've had amazing support about the new job, I really have some amazing friends & family. I've pretty much been smiling all day, & a few specific people in particular contributed, they know who they are. :D
Now, I just have to decide what to do for tomorrows weekly challenge. Exciting!
this is super pretty!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I am so in love! Finally figuring out how to work this camera, which helps so much!
DeleteI have to be honest with you Kay - your long nails were a bit scary! ;-) This manicure looks lovely and I love your new shorter nails - they look more natural! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so so glad things are looking up for you too xxx
I know haha. The novelty of longer nails soon wore off. :P xxx
DeleteLove the shorter nails, and your photographs are getting more awesome each week! Love the shimmeryness of this polish and the stamping really finishes off the look, without making it OTT. Love! X
ReplyDeletewow good job with the stamping, beautiful :))