Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Challenge 27 - Bling!

Okay, I'm going to say something that may be controversial.


I honestly do. I think they look tacky & cheap. I don't know if this manicure can be considered bling, I tried, I really did. I even put on some cheapy rhinestones to try and 'bling' it up. Don't get me wrong, I adore jewellery & pretty, shiny things. But on nails, meh. Considering most packs of the rhinestones you get are worth a quid, & you do get a lot in there, again I say cheap & tacky. 

As you can see, I got bored of the rhinestones, so you get half a nail. Points for trying though! I had to take the photos in two different lights, as the Grit FX polish looked different in different rooms. However, I do love it! 

I'm glad that one is out of the way!

Going to do my nails tonight after I've done the washing up, so hopefully a new post sooner rather than later.

I did get an email asking me if I'd do a tutorial for the seaside nails. Short answer, no. Honestly, I have no idea how I do half the things. I don't put lots of thought into it. I will either have a film on, or watch the kitten cam whilst doing my nails. My attention is never fully on what I've done. If I paid the extra attention & photographed each bit I did, I think I'd get even more critical of myself, & I'd grow very tired with nail art. Besides, there are so many blogs with amazing tutorials, I'd feel like I'm taking the piss.

On a completely different note, Dennis my diabetic cat has a vet appointment tomorrow. He has been a bit off colour the last few weeks, so I'm very nervous about it. My boyfriend also has an operation on Saturday. I'm an awful girlfriend, I'm more nervous about my cat... oops!

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