Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Challenge 9 - Delicate Nails.


Sorry this is so late. For one, I dislike this challenge a lot. Who's idea was this? Secondly, I got viciously attacked with the Flu Jab on Monday Morning! It was only meant to be an asthma review. Since then, I've suffered, so I haven't felt like doing my nails.

I finally picked a design that I wanted to do, & I'm quite proud of it. I saw a Youtube Tutorial & also, a friend of mine (Hi Nicoya) Did this design. Rather creepy really, as ten minutes after I found the tutorial, I saw hers on Facebook. Great minds, & all.

I will apologise now for the lack of the clean up. I was so exhausted & didn't know where my phone battery would last long enough to take them. They're also only taken with the living room light. No flash & no lightbox. Again, because I was exhausted.Bad Kay.

In other news, New kittens will be arriving on the kitten cam soon. Thankfully I've finally got round to sorting out the flat, so I can watch in the evening whilst doing my nails completely guilt free.


  1. Replies
    1. Thankyou. :D. I really didn't think I'd manage to do it, but I'm glad I tried. <3

  2. Really pretty! I love rose manicures xx
