Thursday, 31 January 2013

Getting my Water Marble on.

Hi guys.

So today I went back to one of my favourite styles of Nail Art. The water marble. A lot of people seem to dread this one, but I adore it.
I can never seem to avoid air bubbles, but as they say, practise makes perfect.

I'm sure there are tidier ways of doing this, but although I try, I still seem to make a mess.

For this design, I used three Sally Hansons: Fairy Teal, Yellow Kitty, & Lavender Cloud. It's the first time I've used this brand in Water Marbling, I usually use Barry M, but these spread like a dream.

Not the prettiest in-bowl design I've done, but it's so much fun. I will say, if you haven't tried this, don't use a bowl that you love. I use one of our breakfast bowls, as I didn't realise it would be useless to use for anything other than playing.

A lot of people say it works at room temperature. I don't really follow this rule. I put 3/4 warm water from the tap, & top up with cold water. I then put a white base coat on, & tape up my fingers. By the time that is done & my base is dry, I go right ahead & it always seems to work.

The clean up after isn't much fun, & I don't know about anyone else, but whilst I have been converted to Sally Hansen, I find it stains my cuticles & surrounding skin, despite using acetone & warm soapy water. My fingers have started looking bruised from when I painted them two days ago. If anyone has any advice on how to make my skin lovely & pink again, I'd appreciate it.

I have another idea I want to play with that I saw on another blog, So there shall be a post on that eventually.

So until then...

Catch You Laters



  1. looooove! I love how it looks like flower petals! I can never get mine to go like this at all, it dries on the surface of the water and sticks to the needle when I try to make patterns :(

  2. I need to learn how to water marble. These nails are beautiful Kay!

  3. Thanks girls. It took me a lot of practice, but I think the main thing is making sure you have quite a watery based polish. x
