Saturday, 29 June 2013

Rio Lace Nails Review

Hi, Girls!

Just a quick little post. I know I featured the Rio Lace Nails in my Black & White challenge, but I wanted to play again!

As you can see it comes in a cute little case, which I love, purely because I am NO good at keeping things tidy & together. Whilst it does come with the red polish, you can use your own, & we did.

For the base colour, we used OPI - If You Moust You Moust. I have become a HUGE fan of OPIs. & Fragrance Direct have a large selection for the bargain price of £3.99! Yay for Birthday pennies.

As you can see, this was before the clean up. The lovely Megan let me play with her nails. We did this before football, so it was a bit of a rush. This only took two coats. We could have gotten away with one coat, but it does smell quite nice.

The instructions say to leave the base coat to dry for 30 minutes. When this is done, you put a layer of adhesive on each of the nails, as I'll explain, we ended up doing on the accent nails. The adhesive smells JUST like the glue you used to use at primary school. I could easy take up a glue sniffing habit! You leave the adhesive for ten minutes,

Next was putting the foil on. We did have trouble with this. It says cut out enough for all the fingers, so we cut the foil in to ten little squares, as we were going to do every finger. Bad idea. Seriously, unless there is an easy way to tell which way down the foil has to go, you can easily bugger it up (which we did) You put it on the wrong way, when you take it off, you get no design, & you lift up have the base coat too!

We decided to just do the accent nails, & cut off as we needed it. You place it on the nail with the adhesive on, then it needs pressing down. They supply you with the same cuticle pusher you get in the Rio UV Gel Extensions kit, but honestly, I like causing Megan pain, so I just you my hands to push it down & make sure it's all smooth,

Then, you carefully peel it off, leaving behind pretties!

With a bit more practice I will definitely do all the fingers, & I do have some ideas of some colour combinations.

I will also sort out getting batteries for my camera so I can take some better quality photos, these were done with Megs iPhone, so not the best, but you get the idea.

I do have some exciting news. For the next challenge, I have a guest post! Is that cheating? I don't know  & I don't care. She is a fantastic nail artist, I can't wait for you to see her design.

Love you all!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Challenge 16 - Inspired by a colour

Two posts in a row! I will catch up!

This is a manicure from a few weeks ago.

I originally took a break from blogging as I broke my wrist & I was quite poorly. I would have been back sooner, but on the 14th May, I lost my Nan.

My Nan was one of the most important people in my life, & I'm still struggling to come to terms with the loss.

For her funeral, the dress code was bright & ridiculous.

My Nan was a big fan of colourful knee high socks. I'm sure people who saw the funeral goers had to take a double look.

Because of this, I wanted bright nails. To be honest, I was a little disappointed with them. I did them the night before the funeral, & I just wasn't getting any inspiration, so I went with something very simple.

This was before the clean up, & taken on my phone, so again poor quality, but I didn't expect to blog about them, but it was definitely inspired by bright & cheerful colours.

RIP Nanny. I love you, & I miss you. 

Challenge 15 - Black & White nails


I didn't realise how far behind I am on the challenge. Bollocks! Going to take a while to catch up.

This is just a quickie, something to try & get me back into the habit of doing my nails.

My Birthday was on the 16th & a friend bought me Rio Lace Nail Foils. I tried them how on her on Monday but couldn't get it right. I figured I'd just stick with an accent nail when I tried it on myself, which I managed to get right.

The annoying thing about this, is there is no clear indication which side down you're meant to stick the foil, or if there is, I'm blind to it. Still, it's pretty, & the adhesive reminds me of primary school!

There is only one photo as my camera has run out of batteries so I had to see what I could do with my phone.

I actually painted my nails black at the weekend, so there is a little bit of wear

Hopefully the next mani will have a bit more oompf!

Friday, 21 June 2013

Will be back soon!


The last few months  have been a bit shit, with illness & major loss in the family.

However, I am hoping to have a new post up this weekend!

Exciting times! It's taken a while to want to even do my nails, but I've got that itch back.

Also, I dyed my hair:

This is me with my brand new laptop Hilda. Some amazing people got together and raised the money so I could get her, as sadly, Lawrence decided to give up on me.

All my laptops have had male names, & they've all let me down. Will be interesting to see if now I have a 'female' laptop, she will last forever.

Can't wait to catch up with you all. <3